Perpetual Ring-A-Date Wall Calendar by Euroway / Extra Rings
19” x 19” x 2".
We teamed up with Euroway to bring the Ring-A-Date perpetual plastic wall calendar to you in the USA. Revised and reissued from the 1970s version in English.
Calendars come with 3 black rings on white or yellow calendar, and 3 white rings on green calendar. You can select extra single rings for purchase in other colors! Made in Italy, designed by Giorgio Della Beffa. Easy to hang with nails or screws (not included).
For those unfamiliar with this famous and historic calendar that has now become a piece of furniture, here are some historical notes. The mythical 70s are the years in which design, fashion and architecture reach everyone's reach, with a breath of freedom and non-conformism. Normal everyday objects are colored with bright colors and polymers are beginning to be used widely to produce various objects. Gradually research and technical solutions began to "dictate" artistic suggestions to Italian design, leading to the so-called polymer boom of the 1960s and 1970s. Years in which Euroway entered the market with the first successful products. Designed by Giorgio Della Beffa in 1970, the "Ring a Date Perpetual Calendar" was immediately appreciated by the public all over the world, crowning its success with an exhibition of several years at the "Museum of Modern Art" in New York (MoMA ).